Employees and Contact

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Propack AG

Hungeligrabenstr. 29, 5702 Niederlenz (CH)

+41 62 535-0766


    Company *

    Name *

    E-mail address *


    Subject *

    Your request *

    I'm interested in
    Cleaning SystemsProduct HandlingMixer GranulatorsTablet PressesTablet-/ CapsuldedusterContainmentCapsule FillersTablet CoaterDust Collectors for the Pharmaceutical IndustryDispersing / Homogenizing MachinesSupposotory ManufacturingAmpoules, Vials, Bottles and SyringesTransport and Packaging of Sterile ProductsLiquid PackagingSecondary and End-Of-Line Packaging

    Yes, I wish more information, please
    contact me via phonecontact me via e-mailgive me expert advicesend me an offersend me an brochure

    Privacy policy: Detailed information on handling user data can be found in our privacy policy

    Propack AG

    Willi Smith

    Hungeligrabenstr. 29, 5702 Niederlenz (CH)

    +49 176 31550228


      Company *

      Name *

      E-mail address *


      Subject *

      Your request *

      I'm interested in
      Cleaning SystemsProduct HandlingMixer GranulatorsTablet PressesTablet-/ CapsuldedusterContainmentCapsule FillersTablet CoaterDust Collectors for the Pharmaceutical IndustryDispersing / Homogenizing MachinesSupposotory ManufacturingAmpoules, Vials, Bottles and SyringesTransport and Packaging of Sterile ProductsLiquid PackagingSecondary and End-Of-Line Packaging

      Yes, I wish more information, please
      contact me via phonecontact me via e-mailgive me expert advicesend me an offersend me an brochure

      Privacy policy: Detailed information on handling user data can be found in our privacy policy

      Propack AG

      Kurt Weiss

      Hungeligrabenstr. 29, 5702 Niederlenz (CH)

      +41 62 535 0766


        Company *

        Name *

        E-mail address *


        Subject *

        Your request *

        I'm interested in
        Cleaning SystemsProduct HandlingMixer GranulatorsTablet PressesTablet-/ CapsuldedusterContainmentCapsule FillersTablet CoaterDust Collectors for the Pharmaceutical IndustryDispersing / Homogenizing MachinesSupposotory ManufacturingAmpoules, Vials, Bottles and SyringesTransport and Packaging of Sterile ProductsLiquid PackagingSecondary and End-Of-Line Packaging

        Yes, I wish more information, please
        contact me via phonecontact me via e-mailgive me expert advicesend me an offersend me an brochure

        Privacy policy: Detailed information on handling user data can be found in our privacy policy

        Propack AG

        Sarah Witt

        Hungeligrabenstr. 29, 5702 Niederlenz (CH)

        +49 151 58435098


          Company *

          Name *

          E-mail address *


          Subject *

          Your request *

          I'm interested in
          Cleaning SystemsProduct HandlingMixer GranulatorsTablet PressesTablet-/ CapsuldedusterContainmentCapsule FillersTablet CoaterDust Collectors for the Pharmaceutical IndustryDispersing / Homogenizing MachinesSupposotory ManufacturingAmpoules, Vials, Bottles and SyringesTransport and Packaging of Sterile ProductsLiquid PackagingSecondary and End-Of-Line Packaging

          Yes, I wish more information, please
          contact me via phonecontact me via e-mailgive me expert advicesend me an offersend me an brochure

          Privacy policy: Detailed information on handling user data can be found in our privacy policy